Consent of the Candidate to Personal Data Processing, Transmission and Storage

Consent of the Candidate to Personal Data Processing,

Transmission and Storage

I _________________________________________________________________________

(Last name, first name, patronymic (if there is any)

Data of passport or other identity document N _____________________________

Date and place of issue ___________________________________________________


I agree to the processing in hardware of personal data provided in the

application form of a candidate for education in the Russian Federation at

the expense of the Federal funds of the Russian Federation within the quota

established by the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation

of December 18, 2020 No. 2150 "About establishment of quota for education

of foreign citizens and persons without citizenship in the Russian

Federation" (thereinafter - "application form", "quota of the Government of

the Russian Federation") and documents (their copies) attached for the

purpose of realizing my right for education in the Russian Federation at

the expense of the Federal funds of the Russian Federation within the quota

of the Government of the Russian Federation.

I agree with transborder transmitting of my personal data noted in the

application form and attached documents (their copies) via the Internet.

I confirm that information provided is complete and reliable.

In accordance with Article 9 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation

dated July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ "On Personal Data" (thereinafter - Federal

Law No. 152-FZ), I hereby consents to the processing of my personal data by

the Operators:

- Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation,

TIN 7710539135, located at: Tverskaya St., 11, 125993, Moscow,

Russia, including using the information system located on the portal;

- Federal Agency for the Commonwealth of Independent States Affairs,

Compatriots Living Abroad, and International Humanitarian Cooperation

(Rossotrudnichestvo), TIN 7704706758, located at: Vozdvizhenka St.,

18/9, 119019, Moscow, Russia, including using the information system

located on the portal;

- Federal State Budgetary Institution "Center for the Development of

Education and International Activities ("Interobrazovanie")", TIN

7706001432, located at: Bolshoy Chudov Pereulok, 8/1, 119021, Moscow,


- _____________________________________________________________________


(The Representative office of Rossotrudnichestvo and (or) diplomatic

Representative office of the Russian Federation abroad, which perform

the selection functions in a foreign country)

I have been informed about the responsibility in accordance with the

legislation of the Russian Federation for the reporting of false or

incomplete information in the application form or the provision of forged
