Срок действия документа ограничен двумя годами в случае отсутствия изменения факторов развития пандемии.


1. World Health Organization. Home care for patients with Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) infection presenting with mild symptoms and management of contacts: interim guidance (accessed 26 January 2020).

2. World Health Organization. Infection prevention and control of epidemic- and pandemic-prone acute respiratory diseases in health care. (accessed 26 January 2020).

3. World Health Organization. Clinical management of severe acute respiratory infection (SARI) when COVID-19 disease is suspected. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2020 (accessed 17 March 2020).

4. World Health Organization. WHO guidelines on hand hygiene in health care: first global patient safety challenge. (accessed 20 January 2020).

5. World Health Organization. Global surveillance for human infection with novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV): interim guidance (accessed 17 March 2020).