Документ применяется с 1 января 2024 года.


1. World Health Assembly Resolution 57.18, Human organ and tissue transplantation, 22 May 2004, http://www.who.int/gb/ebwha/pdf_files/WHA57/A57_R18-en.pdf.

2. The Ethics Committee of the Transplantation Society (2004). The Consensus Statement of the Amsterdam Forum on the Care of the Live Kidney Donor. Transplantation 78(4): 491 - 92.

3. Barr M.L., Belghiti J., Villamil F.G., Pomfret E.A., Sutherland D.S., Gruessner R.W., Langnas A.N. & Delmonico F.L. (2006). A Report of the Vancouver Forum on the Care of the Life Organ Donor: Lung, Liver, Pancreas, and Intenstine Data and Medical Guidelines. Transplantation 81(10): 1373 - 85.

4. Pruett T.L., Tibell A., Alabdulkareem A., Bhandari M., Cronon D.C., Dew M.A., Dib-Kuri A., Gutmann T., Matas A., McMurdo L., Rahmel A., Rizvi SAH, Wright L. & Delmonico F.L. (2006). The Ethics Statement of the Vancouver Forum on the Live Lung, Liver, Pancreas, and Intestine Donor. Transplantation 81(10): 1386 - 87.

5. Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted by the UN General Assembly on December 10, 1948, http://www.un.org/Overview/rights.html.

6. Based on Article 3a of the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, Supplementing the United Nations Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime, http://www.uncjin.org/Documents/Conventions/dcatoc/final_documents_2/convention_%20traff_eng.pdf.